Resilient Community.

The project “With Participatory Democracy for a Kosovo Without Radicalization” is a Consortium led by Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) and implemented in partnership with Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development (KIPRED), Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), Security Policy Research Center (SPRC), Kosovo Center for Business Support (KCBS) and Democracy Plus (D+).

the mission & vision of the consortium.

The mission of the Consortium is to promote engagement and activism in building a resilient community, and also contribute towards diminishing the motives and incentives for radicalization that may lead to violent extremism. This will be achieved by channeling the public discourse towards building resilience, increasing the accountability of public and governmental institutions (local and national), their capacities for youth empowerment, and shaping societal and institutional environment.