
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nisi eros, congue nec ante eget, tempor luctus mauris. Proin ante purus, condimentum at placerat sit amet, fermentum at urna. Quisque cursus purus leo, non iaculis odio eleifend aliquet. Sed vel luctus nibh. Duis lobortis est urna, ultricies venenatis elit auctor vel. Ut quis accumsan tortor. Sed semper lacus eget elementum tempus. Nulla hendrerit elementum tincidunt. Pellentesque aliquet mauris in nulla consectetur lobortis. Fusce fermentum et felis eget eleifend. Nullam et mi sapien. Integer vel finibus velit.

Mauris tempus tellus in leo ultricies porttitor. Phasellus congue, ante vel convallis volutpat, dolor eros ultrices libero, ac porta sapien elit ac augue. Nam mollis placerat lacinia. Suspendisse sed efficitur ipsum, ut faucibus leo. Nunc in augue sodales, luctus ex malesuada, maximus purus. Aliquam scelerisque leo eget vehicula pulvinar. Nulla facilisi. Etiam varius aliquet nisl, eget laoreet dui.

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  • Consortium Leader


    Advocacy Training and Resource Center (ATRC) is a Kosovar non-governmental and non-profit organization that works in increasing citizen and civil society participation in decision-making, as a prerequisite for a developed democratic society and regional stability. ATRC aims at strengthening the role of NGOs as agents of change in the society; increase the capacity of NGOs and civic initiatives to undertake advocacy campaigns; and contribute in creating governing institutions that meet international standards. ATRC works with NGOs, civic initiatives, public administration and political institutions regardless of religion, political affiliations, ethnicity, age, capability and sexual orientation. ATRC accomplishes its goals through advocacy, training, information exchange and networking in and out of Kosovo.


    This consortium is led by ATRC playing the role of Principle Recipient (PR) with the support of five different local organizations with the role of Sub Recipients (SRs) to promote engagement and activism with a view to prevent extremism as well contribute in building resilient community. The Role of ATRC as the Principal Recipient is divided into several categories, which include:

    • Provide a robust and practical framework for performance monitoring and evaluation, appropriate to the scale of funding involved, while managing the risks associated with innovative approaches.
    • Oversee development of the Consortium communication and advocacy and promote the use of Consortium-generated knowledge and learning
    • Ensure proactive engagement, and facilitate formal meetings with key stakeholders including with the Government authorities
    • Represent the Consortium in coordination mechanisms as needed
    • Provide necessary financial accountability and management of the grant funds, including those managed by its staff and those managed by other consortium members as required.
    • Identify and support the development of capacity of other consortia members.
    • Facilitate learning, coordination and cooperation amongst key stakeholders.
    • Ensure timely and accurate programmatic and financial reporting to the donor, collating inputs from the Consortium partners.



    The Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development (KIPRED) is the first think-tank established in the post-war Kosovo (February 2002), with the mission to promote and consolidate democracy and democratic values in Kosovo through non-partisan and independent research, capacity development and institution building. KIPRED is a highly respected point of reference for expertise and a venue for informed public policy making and capacity building in Kosovo and wider, particularly in the fields of Foreign and Security Policies (including prevention of radicalization and violent extremism), EU Integrations, Inter-Ethnic Relations and Political Parties. The staff and fellows of KIPRED share the conviction that the independent and non-partisan policy research that serves public good beyond narrow political, ethnic and governmental interests, is of fundamental importance for a successful transition of post-conflict societies in the sustainable democracies. In this vein KIPRED has published more than 100 policy reports, policy briefs and occasional publications that have had an important impact in the policy debates in Kosovo and wider in the region. KIPRED proposes to widen the knowledge on the general subject of radicalization by inquiring increased knowledge and updated information related to radicalism and prevention efforts on violent extremism


    KIPRED proposes to widen the knowledge on the general subject of radicalization by inquiring increased knowledge and updated information related to radicalism and prevention efforts on violent extremism


  • BIRN

    BIRN Kosovo mission is to provide momentum to democratic transition in Kosovo by promoting accountability, rule of law and policy reform. In particular, it aims at serving as watchdog for the public institutions, through closely monitoring the work of the governing and public institutions and supporting their reforms and their path towards meeting EU membership criteria and standards. BIRN has an operational/organizational manual that includes financialmanagement, administrative procedures, public procurement, human resources, anti-corruption policy, code of conduct, and whistleblowing mechanism.


    BIRN aims to widen the knowledge on the general subject of radicalization by inquiring increased knowledge and updated information related to radicalism and prevention efforts on violent extremism including early identification of individuals with such inclinations. In addition, it expects to further improve its capacities in providing tailor-made trainings and support to institutions and target population groups in the field. BIRN’s main activities will be production of well-researched information to the general public, as well as tailor-made trainings, with focus on ensuring the highest standards of reporting on violent extremism.


  • SPRC

    Security Policy Research Center – SPRC – aims the independent theoretical and research studying of challenges that may affect the security of Kosovo and regional, as defined in broad terms, as well as study conceptual opportunities of state, regional and global policies for recommendations of theoretical and professional aspects of security policy. It is newly established organization, independent non-governmental organizations, based on the model of professional studies on topics related to security policies, and for regional and international security topics. It is a theoretical and research Center to achieve the publication of papers with recommendations researches, analyzes or policy proposals dealing with the areas of security.


    The role of SPRC in this consortium is to provide Trainings for Municipal Members and Local Community Safety Councils in increasing awareness about the initial signs and early identification of radicalism that can lead to terrorism, the possible route causes, the impact and role of community in early identification, prevention and rehabilitation, and the roles and responsibilities of municipal members in this regard.


  • KCBS

    Kosovo Center for Business Support (KCBS) is a local NGO established in July, 2012 that works primarily in economic sectors that are vital for the growth of Kosovo’s economy. Areas and sectors include, but are not limited to: Agriculture (Dairy, Fruit and Vegetables, Non-wood forest products, poultry), Forestry, Wood processing, Construction materials, Tourism, ICT, Workforce development and Business enabling environment. Targeted groups of KCBS are mainly minorities, youth, women and marginalized groups. Key support qualifications of current KCBS staff include: monitoring and evaluation, finance, administration, grants and subcontracts management and also project management.


    KCBS proposes to widen the knowledge on the general subject of radicalization by inquiring increased knowledge and updated information related to radicalism and prevention efforts on violent extremism including early identification of individuals with such inclinations


  • D+

    Democracy Plus (D+) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, founded by a group of activists who strongly believe in democratic values and in a democratic Kosovo. Our organization’s principal goal is to support democratic values and practices in the scope of good governance, rule of law, elections and political parties, social issues and human rights.


    D+ has a number of activities within the project timeframe which are connected to youth, so the youth is the population group where D+ is committed to contribute, ages from 15 to 24 years old. All these activities will be organized in five regions in Kosovo (Pristina, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Prizren and Mitrovica). The common element of all these activities is about raising awareness among youth for the dangers that violent extremism/radicalisation brings to the society and the prevention of such phenomenon in the society.


project reach.























